Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gynecomastia & You & Me http Dr. Mordcai Blau in White Plains, Westchester, New York, near New York City, is a leading Plastic Surgeon specializing in Gynecomastia and male breast reduction for adolescent, adult, and Body Builder. His improved gynecomastia "Natural Blend Technique" is specifically effective in the correction of gynecomastia and allows Dr Blau to reach predictable and reproducible outcomes. For more info about male breast reduction or to contact Dr. Blau, please go to http For much more data go to

When it comes to picking a surgeon, a picture is worth a thousand words. http (914) 428-4700 Outcomes matter. Dr Mordcai blau reviews 2500 Gynecomastia surgery photos. Dr. Mordcai Blau in White Plains, Westchester, New York, near New York City, is a leading Plastic Surgeon specializing in Gynecomastia Surgery, male breast reduction for adolescent, adult, and Body Builders. His improved gynecomastia Surgery "Natural Blend Technique" is particularly effective in the correction of gynecomastia and permits Dr Mordcai Blau to reach predictable and reproducible results. Outcomes matter.1 picture is worth a thousand ward. review prior to and following photos .For a lot more data about male breast reduction Surgery or to contact Dr.Mordcai Blau, please go to and reviews: http For much more data check out


  1. I am getting my surgery done tomorrow! It's been a long battle, and I look forward to being victorious! I wish everyone the best of luck in overcoming this!

  2. @need4peace duh its a simple procedure so he was given local anesthesia.....

  3. The patient is awake?? I saw him blinking!!

  4. Hey everybody please answer.I'm 13.5 years old and I have man boobs.5 months ago I didn't have them and after eating so much my boobs got bigger.(my legs and belly got bigger too) how do I know if I have Gynecomastia? If I lose some fat will they disappear?(My pink place is not big)

  5. There's a doctor who can rid men of their man boobs? Wow, thanx for such info. I would someday have such procedure though. :-)

  6. I wish I could afford something like this. I think it would help me not hate my life so much

  7. yurizagonelpereiraMay 4, 2011 at 11:41 PM

    @tarzan6072 Here, in brazil coast like 1.000 - 3000 reals (like 450 dollars)

  8. Has anyone had lipo only without excision and had scar tissue under the nipple? My surgeon said there was no breast tissue and did not need excision. But on my right side there is hard tissue under the nipple which makes it portrude still 5 weeks post op.

  9. Mine is a perfect example of picture at 0:22

  10. dettfreshshawty88May 5, 2011 at 12:19 AM

    hey is it as expensive if they aren't very big? i live in Dallas Tx.

  11. @FahadRyu
    $4500 for unilateral $7000 bilateral and more for the sever once. This is the cost is when surgery is done by an experienced Gynecomastia surgeons. It is importent to see at least a few hundreds before and after pictures.Also make sure that the reccurence rate is less then 1% (We had none comming back after surgery).

  12. @khantko When people weren't looking I would twist mine throughout the day to make them hard. Figured people wouldn't notice as much that way lol. But really, go for it if you have the money. The surgery is out patient, you'll be in and out within 2 hours and they put you to sleep so it feels like 10 seconds. After surgery is a pain though. You become really swollen and have to wear a compression vest for like 4-6 weeks. And your nipples are numb for about 6 months. Totally worth the trouble.

  13. @JetBlack7000 lol i know exactly what you mean by being on your guard all the time. Looking at anything reflective to see if your "moobs" are showing from the contour of your shirt :( Well, i live in miami hopefully i can do a payment plan. Did you feel like it was the start of a whole new life after the surgery?

  14. @JetBlack7000 that is a lot of money, was your case severe? even if it costs more for my surgery, its still worth every penny.

  15. @khantko It really is worth every dollar, my life is totally different now that I don't have to constantly be on my guard. And I had a bad case but nothing as bad as any of the videos you can find on youtube. And don't worry about the 7000 price tag, it's only that expensive when you get it done at a place like NYC. Unfortunately everything about Manhattan is especially pricey and that's' where my doctor was located. Average price would probably be around 4-5G. You should research it.

  16. @FahadRyu I got mine done in nyc and it cost me 7000$. It does leave minor scars but it's well worth the trade off. Iv had this condition since I was an early teen and i just recently got this surgery done at 24. I know how it feels going through the best years of your youth watching ppl around you do the things you can't. 7000 is a lo of money but if you have it, go for the surgery. It's well worth it. Some places even have it cheaper from what I hear. you should look into it

  17. @spotbald1 can you pliz tell me,how much this cost,.??..i only have this on my right chest.i live in Savannah,GA.i wanna go to he's place to do this hope soon..thank you..

  18. i found the best non-surgical solution at the site "killgyno" com

  19. @FahadRyu like 7,000

  20. Noobs with the moobs.

  21. I am a physician and I know Dr Blau . I have also seen a few of Dr Blau's patients who are physicians .His innovating surgical technique the "Natural Blend Technique"greatly improved the results of gynecomastia surgery and no recurrence of the gynecomastia.
    Thank you dr Blau

  22. containsmediumpeopleMay 5, 2011 at 6:25 AM

    Is there a type of gyno that only affects your nips? coz mine are puffy/point (only the areola) but i dont feel any hard disc behind them, and there is DEFINATLY no breast tissue, it could be fat, my diet is terrible i eat loads of shit and rarley excerise but im skinny as all hell.

  23. @GynecomastiaMD your right...not all bodybuilders get gyno but the ones who do most likely got it from no and/or bad PCT. Overweight natural males have pseudo-gyno (fat tissue). If a male just has gyno(breast tissue) than its almost certain it was caused by a steroid cycle. Do you honestly think that bodybuilder is natural tho? I forgot his name but hes always in flex magazine aswell as "anabolic almanac" which is a steroid booklet. lol

  24. Not all body builders get the gynecomastia condition from steroids, Some people are prone to develop this condition.Not everyone with enlarge breasts needs to have surgery, it is only a matter of choice. But when it comes to choosing a surgeon, a picture is worth a thousand words, and results matter.

  25. @devilguy0000
    Very posible

  26. if the nipples are puffy does it mean you have gynecomastia??

  27. @GynecomastiaMD hey i am a 16 year old male who used to be i dropped 22lbs and am in the best shape of my life..i lift weights and box..i have defined pecs except for i gues u can say a minor case of puffy nipples..i can feel the lumps under neath..i want to get rid of them question is how long until i can get back in the gym after surgury and is surgery even necesary at this age..they cause me great selfconscience though

  28. You will fine the answer in Dr"s Blaus website cosmetic-md..Cost is about $7000.
    Call Maryann at 914-428-4700.

  29. manamutomanamutolikoMay 5, 2011 at 10:25 AM

    are their amy risks? how much does it cost?

  30. Omg I have gyno:(

  31. Doctor, Im a really active person, I love lifting weights, playing soccer, running, etc. After the procedure, how long should I wait before hitting the gym again? Thanks!

  32. Do u know of any really good surgeons in California?

  33. how much does it cost?

  34. i have it pretty bad on my left side pretty bad, i tried famera/letro and it seemed to help but i feel like i coming off of that stuff has made it come back even though i used nolvadex!!!!! i need tips help or anything someone please! lol I WISH GYNOCOMASTIAMD WOULD JUST TAKE ME IN FOR LIKE 1000 BUCKS OR SOMETHING AFFORDABLE. fake boobs cost as much lol

  35. I'm happy for that person, because it got 'saved' from a problem that is embarassing, and i think i have it but my mom says its normal but i really know i have gynecomastia, any ways if your a specialized doctor in this matter can i send you a picture of my chest so you can see if its or not? If you could i would thank you alot...

  36. @warriorsfan19
    Our patients stay in the surgical center for 1-2 hours only,and it is including.

  37. @GynecomastiaMD Do you prefer to have your patients stay a week in the hospital post-surgery? If so, is that included within your price.

  38. @nelson261
    About 1 hour, and often it can be done under local anesthesia.

  39. @princesaha36
    I have performed thousands gynecomastia surgeries during the last 30 years and I can assure you that gynecomastia surgery is save and when is done by an experienced gynecomastia surgeon the number of side effects is minimal. For more information see my web site cosmetic-md,com.

  40. @GynecomastiaMD is it safe to go for this surgery cause my parents are skeptical about this and are there any side effects which can be harmful?please do reply..

  41. @Dabali i agree with you and im an athiest

  42. @GynecomastiaMD Thank you for your time and quick response, I appreciate it.

  43. @hardcore9427
    $5000 for unilateral and $7000 for bilateral under local anesthesia.

  44. How much time it does needed to surgery this sh i t out????
    I am scared about this to do that.. ;(

  45. Around how much does a surgery like this cost? I am very curious...

  46. i wish dr blau would make more vids with diff patients

  47. Has anyone had lipo only without excision and had scar tissue under the nipple? My surgeon said there was no breast tissue and did not need excision. But on my right side there is hard tissue under the nipple whish makes it portrude still 5 weeks post op.

  48. Thanks for your post. I’ve been thinking about writing a very comparable post over the last couple of weeks, I’ll probably keep it short and sweet and link to this instead if thats cool. Thanks.
